

Join our enthusiastic crew


Volunteer for Prairie Appreciation Day, Saturday, May 10th, 2023

Contact: getrotter@comcast.net to volunteer for the event.  Morning only and afternoon only volunteer periods as well as all-day work are available.


Help with set-up on Friday, May 9th

(just show up at Glacial Heritage between 9:00-9:30 a.m.)

All experience, knowledge and skill levels are needed and greatly appreciated!!!!!


Cliff Snyder, who always loves a good story, used totell people the mounds were made by prehistoric Blue Gophers. I jokingly suggested we make him dress up like one for PAD. Marion Jarisch tooke me seriously and made him the suit and he wore it every PAD for years. Photo by Margaret Allen

Cliff Snyder, who always loved a good story, used to tell people the mounds were made by prehistoric Blue Gophers. I jokingly suggested we make him dress up like one for PAD. Marion Jarisch took me seriously and made him the suit and he wore it every PAD for years. Photo by Margaret Allen

Donations to Help Defray Costs Are Always Welcome

Donations may be mailed to FOPP at PO Box 234, Littlerock, WA 98556.  Friends of Puget Prairies is a 501C3 nonprofit organization.  Alternatively, donations are accepted at the event.